Monday, June 25, 2007

Construction Season

I will eat you!

You may have noticed that the links to my Jams are currently not working. This will be remedied within the week.

In the meantime, I'm willing to take requests for ideas for future Jams. What say you?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Virtual Jazz: All Of Him

Title: AllOfHim

Length: 4:01

File Size: 4.61MB

Production Date(s): May 2 - June 17, 2007

Gear used: Reason, Cubase, M-Audio Ozone

Collaborators: Leonardo Asseph

Notes: Man, this was a fun one! A couple months ago my coworker Leo gave me an MP3 to listen to, a recording of him playing the saxophone in his bedroom at home. I loved it immediately. He's just so into it! I decided that Leo deserved to be playing sax with a combo on a stage, so that's exactly where I put him in this week's Jam. So I recreated the sonic landscape of a lively jazz club, complete with ambient crowd chatter (thanks to drvono and friend). The sax part is all Leo, though I chopped it up and transposed various bits to match the changes. The other instruments (drums, bass, piano) were either played on the Ozone or programmed, and are entirely sample-based in Reason.

Unfortunately Leo was a temp with my company and no longer works there. The Charlie Parker photo he left in his cube now adorns mine. I used his recording with his permission, and I hope this project finds its way back to him somehow.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Summer loving happened so fast

Road trips, bike rides, disc golfing, bratwurst, dancing around the May pole... so many wonderful sunny distractions, providing endless inspiration while making it that much harder to spend a day in a cave in front of a PC.

Amazingly, though, I have a free weekend coming up -- one that I'm promising myself not to sleep through. A JAM will be forthcoming...

In the meantime, here's a hot action shot...

the cave

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Sleep Schmeep: 2OT

Title: 2OT

Length: 2:44

File Size: 3.14MB

Production Date(s): June 4, 2007

Gear Used: Korg MS-10, Fender Reverb

Notes: I still have some production pieces in progress, but I need to keep the ball rolling here so I played a little synth last night for fun. The performance was fueled by a severe lack of sleep, and while it may be a little wank-ish, I tried to keep it short. I particularly like the ending bit.